Sergey Eisenstein looks at a strip of motion picture film

An East-coast Editor in Los Angeles’ Court

I was really trying to make that Connecticut Yankee reference work, but it just wasn't happening.

As I write this, it's one year to the day that I was laid off from my job as the in-house video producer/editor at The Omni Group, a small software company in Seattle, WA. The pandemic happened, my wife and I have separated, and I have realized that I am basically starting over at this point. A good friend of mine has graciously shared their house in Oregon with me for several months while I figure out what I'm doing with my life, but it's time for me to move on. And if I need to move, probably best that I move to where the jobs are, yeah? Hence, Los Angeles.

I don't know how regular this blog will be, but I want to chronicle my journey from Seattle corporate video producer to LA Editor. I used to be a really good online editor before I left broadcast for a corporate gig eight years ago — can I return to my former glory? Am I actually as good as I thought I once was? What the heck does an online editor do these days anyway? Can I eventually move from online to Editor? Will I have to drop back to Assistant to prove myself? How am I going to find a place to live if I don't have a job yet?

All of this is up in the air right now, but I'll let you know when I know. Maybe it'll be useful to someone.

In the meantime, I've been watching and listening to some stuff about LA, just to get myself a little excited about the otherwise daunting prospect:

Also, hey, if you need a video editor, I'm looking for a job. Here are my credentials. More soon.