White Version of the PT-7
Photos courtesy of Mark Boszko, users methinksit and wwwoooddd2lcb on eBay; used with permission. Please see each file listing for specific credits.
Casio PT-7 owned by Mark Boszko
PT-7 auctioned by methinksit on eBay.
Closeup of the rhythm controls.
Closeup of the right side of the main unit, with speaker.
Closeup of the power switch.
Front view of the PT-7.
Closeup of keyboard.
Angled view of keyboard and base of main unit.
Rear view of keyboard and main unit.
Front view of the PT-7.
Closeup of the instrument selection buttons on the keyboard.
Photo of the main unit.
Closeup of the rhythm controls.
The keyboard.
Closeup of the make/model information and power requirements embossed on the back of the main unit.
Rear view of the main unit and keyboard.
Black Version of the PT-7
Photos courtesy user sotinikol on eBay, from this auction. Used with permission.
Photo of a black version of the PT-7.
Rear three-quarter view, black version of PT-7.
Front view, black version of PT-7.
Closeup of keyboard, black version of PT-7.
Closeup of central unit, black version of PT-7.
Photos courtesy user methinksit on eBay, from this auction. Used with permission.
Warranty information and folded Operations Manual.
Operations Manual, page 2.
Operations Manual, page 1.
Photos courtesy of users methinksit and wwwoooddd2lcb on eBay; used with permission. Please see each file listing for specific credits.
Top view of the PT-7 box.
View of the original box with the PT-7.
Closed PT-7 sitting inside the original box (open).
Side view of the original box, stating the color (white) and “Made in Japan” in four languages.
Rear view of the original box, with the lid open.
Top three-quarter view of the original box, with the lid closed.
AD-1 Power Supply
Photos courtesy user hansurmann on eBay, who sells modern AD-1 replacement power adapters like the AD-1X. Used with permission.
AD-1 power supply.
AD-1 power supply.
AD-1EL power supply.
AD-1U power supply.
AD-1UL power supply.
AD-1X power supply.