Mark Boszko

Mark is easily distracted and seems not to require sleep. However, this is an illusion. He is mortal, like you. Perhaps doubly so. He makes videos and a little bit of art and design. He also watches way too many movies and jokes around on Twitter.

I’ve got it� It’s a time machine. Yes, for our special Apple Hype Watch� segment, we have decoded Apple’s clues to bring you Monday’s mystery product a full two days early! A time machine is big, time is related to counting (no, not the awful puns in the Count of Monte Christo trailer), it’s beyond …

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Day 4 of Apple Hype Watch: “To go where no PC has gone before.” Starting to look like either wearable or snortable will be right. Okay, or maybe just portable. Or maybe Apple has beat Microsoft to the punch at bringing out a notepad/clipboard style Mac with an LCD screen you write on� or something. …

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