This post was published more than a few years ago (on 2002-03-06) and may contain inaccurate technical information, outmoded thoughts, or cringe takes. Proceed at your own risk.
So, as it turns out, it's my birthday today. Yay me! Another year older, but still dumb as a bag of hammers.
On Friday (Mar 1st) I bought myself a present from everyone: a shiny new iBook 600/Combo. I have to say that it's really, really cool to surf the web from the couch. Of course, AAl also got tickets for us to see Pablo Francisco! Woo! I am just spoiled rotten. 😛
Anyway, gotta go for now, make up some facts and figures for the meeting in about an hour, to see if we can justify all the stuff I want to get for the NIH Event Management section. You know, stuff like an editing system that works and a couple rendering stations, things like that, that we just maybe need. 😛
Toodle-oo, ass!