This post was published more than a few years ago (on 2003-04-21) and may contain inaccurate technical information, outmoded thoughts, or cringe takes. Proceed at your own risk.
A mighty wind blows.
Magic can come. Be goofy.
Improvise by ear.
:: 2003 :: dir. Christopher Guest ::
Starring Christopher Guest, Eugene Levy, Michael McKean, Bob Balaban, Michael Baser, Ed Begley Jr., Marty Belafsky, David Blasucci, Jennifer Coolidge, Mary Gross, Laura Harris, John Michael Higgins, Michael Hitchcock, Matthew Joy, Todd Lieberman, Stuart Luce, Jane Lynch, Larry Miller, Jim Moret, Christopher Moynihan, William S. Nunziata, Catherine O'Hara, Jim Piddock, Parker Posey, Ryan Raddatz, Harry Shearer, Freda Foh Shen, Jared Nelson Smith, Deborah Theaker and Fred Willard, who I always think is that guy who used to be on WKRP in Cincinatti, but people keep telling me he isn't.