This post was published more than a few years ago (on 2003-10-18) and may contain inaccurate technical information, outmoded thoughts, or cringe takes. Proceed at your own risk.
AAl loaned me a copy of The Crystal Method's albums Tweekend and Vegas, and I've been listening to 'em an awful lot over the past few days. It's good music to listen to while you're working, not unlike the Blue Man Group album Audio.
Now that Apple has released iTunes for Windows, as well as the iTunes Music Store (or iTMS), I thought I'd try using their new iTMS Link Maker to share these musical choices:
- The Crystal Method > Tweekend
- The Crystal Method > Vegas
- Blue Man Group > Audio
…is, alas, not available on the iTMS, but is available from their website, as is their new album, The Complex.
Don't have iTunes? Now you can pick it up for Mac or Windows: