Pardon our dust.

This post was published more than a few years ago (on 2003-11-21) and may contain inaccurate technical information, outmoded thoughts, or cringe takes. Proceed at your own risk.

While this whole Redesign in Realtime™ is going on, you may notice more than a passing resemblance of this site to Jeremy Hedley's great weblog, Antipixel. There's a reason for that.

Since Antipixel is one of the sites that I admire so much, I am temporarily borrowing his stylesheet to teach myself how this whole Movable-Type-slash-CSS thing works. Don't worry, Jeremy... I am in the process of melding and morphing nearly every part of this current design into something a lot more like the old site. I have no intention of stealing your design. (At least not completely... there are a few good ideas I may have a hard time letting go of.) I just find it a lot easier to learn this whole thing when I have such a splendid example to work from.

Thanks, Jeremy!