
This post was published more than a few years ago (on 2005-09-29) and may contain inaccurate technical information, outmoded thoughts, or cringe takes. Proceed at your own risk.

I just came across a great reason for being proud of being made a member of the Happy Otter Clan™, in this quote by Neil Gaiman from an article in Time magazine:

Except the trouble is, as a creator...I saw a lovely analogy recently. Somebody said that writers are like otters. And otters are really hard to train. Dolphins are easy to train. They do a trick, you give them a fish, they do the trick again, you give them a fish. They will keep doing that trick until the end of time. Otters, if they do a trick and you give them a fish, the next time they'll do a better trick or a different trick because they'd already done that one. And writers tend to be otters. Most of us get pretty bored doing the same trick. We've done it, so let's do something different.