Wayback Machine

This post was published more than a few years ago (on 2006-03-31) and may contain inaccurate technical information, outmoded thoughts, or cringe takes. Proceed at your own risk.

Wow, now this is wicked cool. Thanks to the Internet Archive's Wayback Machine, you can see what Station in the Metro looked like back in 1999, 2000, 2004 and 2005 (although that last one seems to be missing its stylesheet). There were two websites which preceded SitM back in 1996-97, but they were even more hideously ugly than the '99 SitM, and shall not be spoken of again.

Speaking of SitM's history, I realize that Ye Olde StationintheMetro.com just celebrated its 7th birthday a few months ago on 23 December. Or rather, it didn't. Because I forgot.