I added a “Music Habits” link to the navigation links in the bar to your right. This link goes to my page on Audioscrobbler. Audioscrobbler, for those who don’t know, is a wicked keen site that has plugins you can download for your music player of choice (Mac, PC, Linux, whatever) and it tracks what…
Author: Mark Boszko
Mark is easily distracted and seems not to require sleep. However, this is an illusion. He is mortal, like you. Perhaps doubly so. He makes videos and a little bit of art and design. He also watches way too many movies and jokes around on Twitter.
If you love Firefly like I do, you’ll be interested in these: Serenity: The Official Movie Website FireFlyFans.net http://forums.prospero.com/foxfirefly/start
The Apple Product Cycle
Available immediately! (Estimated ship date: 4 weeks.) The Apple Product Cycle
What’s missing?
What’s missing from the 9/11 Commission Report? The Agonist || thoughtful, global, timely
So You Want To learn Japanese…
Or, rather, how not to learn Japanese… So You Want To learn Japanese…
The Thistle & Shamrock
I’ve just discovered this NPR show which plays Celtic music, and hails from Perthshire, Scotland. It’s been airing for twenty years— I’ve got a lot of catching up to do! NPR: The Thistle & Shamrock
One Million Free & Legal Music Tracks
Just what it says. An incredible resource for discovering new music! 1 Million Free & Legal Music Tracks – Main.HomePage