Mark Boszko

Mark is easily distracted and seems not to require sleep. However, this is an illusion. He is mortal, like you. Perhaps doubly so. He makes videos and a little bit of art and design. He also watches way too many movies and jokes around on Twitter.

Ever wonder what the airline does with your freshly found luggage (after they had lost it for months, and already payed you a settlement, of course)? Try the Unclaimed Baggage Center, where they sell all the junk that you lost at ROCK BOTTOM PRICES! Okay, well, it sounded cooler when I started. 😛 Still some …

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Okay, so I’m going to start this thing where I try and just make little remarks about cool new websites I find, right here in my Blog� instead of adding to my bookmarks list that I never really use, but is� I’m sure� thousands of links long. Here goes: First up is Wherify Wireless, who …

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