A 1972 documentary on ARPAnet, the precursor of today’s internet.
Category: geek
I just wanted to make note, today was the day I coined the term “podroll” for your list of links to podcasts, playing off the previous term “blogroll.” Y’know, just in case I’m actually the first. 😉 UPDATE Okay, looks like I’m about a month or so late. But at least I came up with…
So, yay! —upgraded to WordPress 2.0. Expecting the minions of hell to overrun my system any time now, but for the moment, it feels good, it feels clean. I hope the spammers aren’t drawn to its scent. Colophon’s screwed up, but… Meh. I’ll fix it at some point. It’s probably not even accurate anymore.
Well, that was short-lived.
Soon after I had plugged in my brand new MacBook Pro, it died. Sorta. Film at 11. UPDATE As best we can piece it together, what happened was this: Thursday morning, when I first plugged in the MagSafe connector from the power adapter, it went from green to red, not amber like I thought. I…
It finally shipped!
MacIntel mini
My first 48 hours with the new Intel CoreDuo Mac mini have unfortunately been somewhat disappointing. Don’t get me wrong—The mini itself is great, I love Front Row, and the fact that I’ve got an optical audio out built-in instead of an Edirol box hanging off the side of the mini is amazing. (BTW, if…
Getting Video onto Your iPod
Here, I was, all ready to do a clever video tutorial on how to use Handbrake to rip video from your DVDs to your 5G iPod (aka, iPod with video), and I see there’s a clever app called iSquint that is optimized for doing just that. Except— wait. No it isn’t. You’d have to decrypt…