Several people have encouraged me recently, since I have feet in both the video production and Mac & iOS development camps, to blog about video production for developers. On September 26, 2009, I gave a Blitz Talk at the C4[3] developer conference entitled Video and You, intended to give developers some quick guidelines and tips…
Category: geek
Apple Macintosh 20th Anniversary Posters
I’m not sure exactly how I came into having these poster images, but reading on DigiBarn, it looks like they may have been designed by Marcin Wichary (perhaps this gentleman?) to commemorate the 20th Anniversary of the Macintosh. You can download the entire set of 14 posters as PDFs, suitable for printing up poster-sized.
New Digs
If you’re seeing this, it means you’re seeing my new, migrated site. I realized that I wasn’t really using any of the extra features that Squarespace was affording me, and while they have given me great service (and I love their stats package), it was time to minimize my outlay to my various service providers….
This is the ringtone for Derek Flint’s direct line to the President in the 1966 movie, Our Man Flint, which was a sort of parody of the James Bond movies of the time. The ringtone would also be later used as the sound of the electronic handcuffs in Hudson Hawk.
SalwI’mey HutmaH Hut
To celebrate my friends’ podcast, Post Atomic Horror, hitting 100 episodes, I translated 99 Luftballons into Klingon. Because, SCIENCE! Please note that I am not a native speaker of the Klingon Language, so several evenings with Okrand’s Klingon Dictionary let to this probably-horrible translation. The complete lyrics (with english translation): poHlIj’a’ (do you have time)…
The Future of Widescreen iPhones
Post Atomic Horror Unofficial Star Trek™ Episode Guide
Hey, did I mention that I launched an iPhone app in the App Store a couple of weeks ago? I don’t think I did. The Post Atomic Horror Unofficial Episode Guide is a fun and humorous guide to the all of the Star Trek™ adventures featuring the original crew. It helps you keep track of…