I’ve moved this article to my new “maker” blog at Vixen Labs. Go read this article there, or the whole series! I’m controlling everything in this project with a Raspberry Pi 2, a system on a chip. Essentially it’s a really tiny Linux computer that you can use for most anything you could use a…
Author: Mark Boszko
Kilauea Cove: Tiki Nook Build – Part 1
I’ve moved this article to my new “maker” blog at Vixen Labs. Go read this article there, or the whole volcano series! I’m gonna build a volcano. Movies are a huge passion in my life, so of course I have a screening room (which most other people would probably call a “home theater”) in my…
Meta Morning Habits of Successful People
Since I was recently diagnosed with ADHD, my shrink suggested that I go to bed earlier, get up earlier, and have a regular morning routine. He recommended a few things, like meditating and eating a good breakfast with plenty of protein, but I thought I’d dig a little deeper, and see what the “top ten”-style…
Back to the Future Cars
Found these photos, I think they’re from the Washington (DC) Car Show in 1990 or so. They had a couple of the “future” cars from Back to the Future: Part II, and I stood in line for half an hour to sit in the Delorean. Fun times!
I don’t always agree with Marco Arment, but his post today about the ethics of modern web ad-blocking really struck a nerve. As a publisher myself I’ve been trying to figure out how to monetize my sites so they will at least pay for their own expenses. I’m not trying to turn my podcast into…
Upgrading Django to use Virtualenv on WebFaction
Recently, I wanted to upgrade my website on ye olde Django 1.6.5 to finally come up to speed with Django 1.8.3 (current, as of this writing). However, I realized that upgrading a WebFaction webapp in situ seemed to be a rather painful process. In addition, WebFaction doesn’t set you up with Virtualenv by default, and I’d…
Get an HBO Now login, even if you first subscribed on Apple TV
Frustratingly, it seems when you sign up for HBO Now on the Apple TV, it just associates it with your iTunes account, and that’s it. No email confirmation. No password to sign in to HBO Now on other iOS devices or on the web. I appears the best answer is to sign up on your…