[Sadly, this comic of Spider-Man pitching Fla-Vor-Ice is long since offline. —Ed. 2015-08-22]
Author: Mark Boszko
Cool little folded box and double-CD sleeve. No reason.
The Fuzz on NPR
The group I was with for last year’s 48 Hour Film Project, The Fuzz (who created the Washington DC winning entry, “Weather Man”), was this year followed by an NPR reporter. The 14 minute segment (twice as long as the finished film!) which resulted aired on NPR Weekend Edition earlier today, and is now archived…
Orrin Hatch Wants His Stone Age Back
Something new to write your congresscritters about. Next week, a bill called the Induce Act will be introduced to congress. From cNet News.com: The proposal, called the Induce Act, says “whoever intentionally induces any violation” of copyright law would be legally liable for those violations, a prohibition that would effectively ban file-swapping networks like Kazaa…
The Fuzz
Well, it looks like the group I was with for the 48hr Film Project last year is going to be featured on NPR this weekend! Phil Harrell from NPR followed them around during this year’s 48 (of which I wasn’t a part, due to an unforseen work overnighter the day before), and this Sunday on…
Where’s My Flying Car??
As I’m sure you’re aware, I’ve oft wondered aloud (thanks to reminders from Jen) where my flying car / jetpack / 2-way wrist radio is… Well, I’ve just found out where all the cool stuff has got to: http://www.retrofuture.com/
For Sale & DVD Collection
I’ve added two new bits to the site. The first, you’ll see in the bar to the right, a new section entitled “For Sale,” which will include links to items I have for same on Amazon Marketplace, Half.com or eBay. The second is also on the right under “Navigation” a new link to my DVD…