I just heard that my friend Mark Darin’s latest adventure game, A Case of the Crabs, has been reviewed in the New York Times (free registration required). Check it out— for the curious, I’m the voice of Arthur and The Thug. Whooooo!
Author: Mark Boszko
MPEG-2 Encoder Shootout
A great article the Evil Schmoo shared with me a few weeks ago, comparing different MPEG-2 encoders. I’ve been using BitVice, which came up #3 in the ranking, but I may have to get a PC and check into the winner, Cinema Craft Encoder, if I start getting more DVD work. It looks like it’s…
Fast Company | BMW: Driven by Design
Very cool article on why design helps BMW keep their position in the market. Fast Company | BMW: Driven by Design
Traditional Costume
So, this is the traditional costume of These united States of America? I suppose it is vaguely reminiscent of certain Native American garb, but I think a little bit of “Vegas Showgirl” has crept in there as well. UpdateI’m now linking to the image directly. The original caption read: Shandi Finnessey, Miss USA during her…
Weather Man
This DVD offer is no longer valid — Ed. 2015-08-12 Well, finally! Lookit-Intense Films is finally offering its first DVD available to the public, Weather Man, by The Fuzz. This film won the DC 48 Hour Film Project last year, and I was lucky enough to be a part of it. Now, you too can…
Appalachian Trail
A few years ago, while on a streak of otherwise very interesting Bill Bryson books, I came across his then-newly-in-paperback A Walk in the Woods, and it sparked my interest in one day hiking the Appalachian Trail. Recently I’ve been trying to get fit, but I haven’t had any real goals to press me along….
So, today I’ve added a new colophon to the site. I also— oh… —ahem— col•o•phon n. an inscription placed at the end of a book or manuscript usually with facts relative to its production Anyway, I also noticed that this is, officially, my 250th post. Huzzah! Oh, er… huz•zah n. an expression or shout of…