Okey, now I’m definitely moving over. WordPress imported all of my MT entries without a hitch, and looking through what docs there are, it seems all the features i want are already in there— save possibly the MT-Amazon plug-in I was using to create my review links. Ah well… that’ll be a good programming challenge…
Category: geek
First WP Test Post
Well, I’m trying to see how this new WordPress thing works. I like the interface a lot (reminds me of b2, which I used to use, and coincidentally enough, is the direct precursor to WP). Considering the new liscening deals that Movable Type has put into place (yes, there’s a free version, but the paid…
This Old Mac
In recent days, two Flash-programmed replicas of old Macintosh computers have appeared on the radar. For your enjoyment: Web SEThe better of the two, in English or German. A remarkably faithful rendition of System 7 with equally accurate software, right down to the After Dark control panel, and the MyEyes eyeballs that used to sit…
Digital Device
As is my wont, I have installed the latest version of ShapeShifter from Unsanity (if you ever had interface theme fun on Mac OS 9, you’ll remember Kaleidoscope — this is much like that for Mac OS X). They recently had a theme building contest, and I have replaced my PowerBook’s native Aqua theme with…
Ahhh… Finally back to normal.
I finally got my database straightened out, it looks like, so postings will resume shortly (I certainly have a number of things to catch up on). If you’d like to know the nitty-gritty of how I fixed it, read the extended entry. Otherwise, just bask in the glow of the return of SitM. 😉
My Mac Timeline
Just for kicks, I put together a very crude timeline, showing what Macs I’ve owned and when. It’s a hell of a lot more than I thought I had owned, now that I look back on it all. For the curious, the items in question are: 1993, my first Mac– a brand-spanking-new Color Classic. The…
Good Eats Geek Code
Yes, yes… So, I’ve TiVo’d up sixteen episodes over the past couple of weeks, and watched them all today while I offloaded them for making DVDs. So, I’m a whore for Alton brown. What of it? Anyway… Here’s mine: GE+++AB+W+MB+PM-SC+MFC+DD++CR+CH+e++sc+++pt+++rec+>++tg+++tf?FPFTV?YC?YG? What’s yours?