0201726831 With loads of inspiration and help from: John C.’s Macro Magic review macro (used as a starting point), Brad Choate’s MTPerlScript and MTMacro plugins, MTAmazon from Kalsey Consulting Group, and Invaluable help with installing expat from David Wheeler, I’ve now got a nify little macro that displays an image of the movie/book/music that I’m…
Category: geek
Netflix Freak
The recently lamented demise of Netflix Fanatic is now mitigated by the appearance of its seemingly long-lost twin brother, Netflix Freak. If you have a Netflix account and a Mac, this crazy little app is amzingly useful for modifying your movie queue, searching for new movies, and reviewing your rental history. It’s also much more…
Yes, it’s true. Some stupid little script kiddies hacked my movie website. Suppose it serves me right, since I didn’t bother to bolt it down and weld it shut. Gods know these days if you even show a molecule of trust in the public at large, it is your good duty to get fucked up…
Pardon our dust.
While this whole Redesign in Realtime™ is going on, you may notice more than a passing resemblance of this site to Jeremy Hedley’s great weblog, Antipixel. There’s a reason for that. Since Antipixel is one of the sites that I admire so much, I am temporarily borrowing his stylesheet to teach myself how this whole…
Testing my new ratings thingy, as well as amazon and netflix links. Bear with me.
It’s all coming together�
I’ve been able to move the main contents of my various weblogs here to Station in the Metro. This will be the new consolidated place for all of my web-based musings to appear. I’ve also chosen a new “engine” for the site, in the guise of Movable Type, which I chose because� well, it’s used…
Oh, yeah… I’m not gonna be getting any new toys for a very long time.