iPhoto: Import —> Edit —> Print. When you plug in your camera, iPhoto launches auto-magically. Allows you to do a contact sheet, crop, and print simply, using colorsync for dynamic prints without worry. Very cool. Realised they needed to do more. Now also helps you save them, organize them, and share them. Steve does a…
Category: geek
Hinting… hinting… BAM! Steve announces iPhoto.
New major topic: “The Digital Hub” strategy. Combining DV camcorders, DVD, mp3 and digital cameras, making the computer the center of the “digital lifestyle.” Started this movement a year ago, have since had iMovie 2, iTunes 2 and iDVD 2. Steve demos the 3 apps released. Leaves a slide up with a conspicuous looking space…
Now a word from an Apple client: Dan Gregoire from LucasFilm comes up to show how LucasFilm is using OS X. A (very short) taped speech from ‘ol George says they use OS X to create animatics for pre-visualization. Demo of stuff from Episode II in Maya, After Effects. He’ll be at the Alias|Wavefront booth…
Okay, GAMES. Mike Rogers from Aspyr demos Harry Potter. Quidditch looks neat. Announced The Sims: Hot Date , and Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds.
Wolfram Research comes on stage with Mathematica. A couple months old, but for the technical computing crowd, this is a wonderful, wonderful thing. Also useful to calculus students. Also very funny goy demoing. He had an integrals joke. I laughed. Said he was rendering animations on his PowerBook in the background for like a week….
Mike Evangelist comes on stage to demo Final Cut Pro 3.0. Demos software real-time effects with ESPN’s The Life, which is edited totally in FCP. RT transitions, superimposed titles, and color correction. Not new news today, but still very, very sweet. RT also works on the fastest PowerBooks, for mobile RT. 🙂