NogCast finally available on iTunes
Just in case you’ve been waiting for the ability to search for “NogCast” on the iTunes store and come up with a hit before you actually subscribe, here ya go: [NogCast is no longer online —Ed. 2015-08-15]
Just in case you’ve been waiting for the ability to search for “NogCast” on the iTunes store and come up with a hit before you actually subscribe, here ya go: [NogCast is no longer online —Ed. 2015-08-15]
Photogamer: Eyes Closed, originally uploaded by mboszko. 2nd challenge of the year.
Photogamer: Start, originally uploaded by mboszko. I’ve started the new year with a group of people who aim (thus far) to take an assigned photo every day in January, and if things go well, it will continue after that. Today’s (well… yesterday’s now) assignment was to take a picture with a note that says START. …
When I ordered a recent After Effects tutorials book, I was offered a Digital Upgrade from Amazon. I took the offer, not looking very closely, but later found that it doesn’t include any of the files that may be on any attached disc(s)— just the scanned pages. Just an FYI.
Click to Play In which we rate 5 more nogs, discuss the origin of the term “eggnog”, and declare an overall storebought nog winner.
A developer from the popular Mac software company Delicious Monster is holding a guerilla charity campaign to save the lemurs in Madagascar. Donate to this wonderful cause to save an animal cuter than your average LOLCat. read more | digg story
Click to Play Wherein we introduce ourselves, review five storebought eggnogs, and find out where eggnog came from. We review Lucerne Holiday Eggnog, Southern Comfort Traditional Egg Nog, Southern Comfort Vanilla Spice Egg Nog, Food Lion Old Fashioned Egg Nog, and Weis Egg Nog.