I finally got my database straightened out, it looks like, so postings will resume shortly (I certainly have a number of things to catch up on). If you’d like to know the nitty-gritty of how I fixed it, read the extended entry. Otherwise, just bask in the glow of the return of SitM. 😉
Author: Mark Boszko
I can’t decide whether that’s old or young. I mean, if I’m going to die of a heart attack at 43, it’s significantly older than if I live to be 150 or so, thanks to the miracles of future science. Gosh, if only I knew just how long I’m going to live. [It was young….
I got new knives! They’re the “Alton Brown Set” of Shun knives from Kershaw (as AAl asked, “are they named that because of the sound they make when they cut?”). The set included a bread knife, the 8″ chef’s knife, and a paring knife. You probably can’t tell from the picture, but the side of…
Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World
If I recall correctly, I am somehow contractually obligated to use the term “rousing tale” with the phrase “adventure on the high seas.” Fortunately in this case, it’s an apt description. An amazing yarn from beginning to end– though it ends with the hint of another adventure to be had, which is fitting, considering the…
Well, whaddaya know…
Great Expectations
I haven’t read the book, but my wife tells me that the first two acts of this film (the ones I call “maddeningly intriguing”) are the closest to the source. It all comes together in the end, but the re-emergence of Finn’s benefactor took the film on a seemingly unnecessary action-adventure bent. That said, most…
Mr. Smith Goes to Washington
James Stewart being upstanding, Jean Arthur being lovely and encouraging, and Claude Rains being shocked– SHOCKED!– that there’s corruption in the U.S. Senate. A wonderfully clean-cut fairy tale of right and wrong in the Federal Government. We could use more movies like this one. What the hell happened to Frank Capra, anyway? Oh. Well… crap….