Excellent! Now I finally get to see [the presentations that I missed](http://rentzsch.com/c4/c41VideosAvailable) due to my cancelled flight. First one below:
Category: geek
Five great reasons to try an iTunes movie rental
1. Big Trouble in Little China What do you mean you haven’t seen this? Kurt Russell channeling John Wayne, Kim Cattrall when she was still hot, every asian character actor who’s ever acted in Hollywood ever, Kung Fu, black magic, and three scary guys in wicker lampshades. Oh, and it’s directed by John Carpenter, fresh…
iTunes Movie Rentals, and a Discovery About the 24-hour Window
First, a quick summary: the movie rental experience is pretty good, even without an Apple TV. Of course the resolution is iffy— slightly above DVD standards by pixel size (933x470px for this particular film), but offset by the highly-compressed low-data-rate H.264. (I’d still like to know just why us non-Apple TV owners are snubbed on…
Sternest Meanings, the Anagram Bot
Thanks to Sternest Meanings, I now know my name is an anagram of “Zoom irks on backlash.”
Make:DC LED Cube Workshop
You can read my experience at the workshop in my previous post, but just wanted to post that even making it home without a copy of the instructions, I figured it out, and actually got my cube working. Well, aside from the two dead LEDs, at least. Here’s a short video of the test, where…
F#@K YEAH!!!
I’m uh… really pleased that iTunes 7.6 has added my most requested feature of all time: 1, 3, 5, or 10 least recent selections for syncing podcasts and TV shows. Huzzah! Now I can finally listen/watch in order instead of being forced to find an inventive, yet annoying, work-around to being forced to sync only…
Writers’ Strike – Best Thing Ever?
From the Make Blog: Over the last few months I’ve seen more people start projects than ever before, many have told me their favorite shows aren’t on so they decided to dust off their tools and make something. Projects are flowing in to the MAKE submission form, new things in MAKE Flickr photo pool -…