For thanksgiving this year, I made two cocktails for pre-dinner drinks. Here are the full recipes. Flannel Shirt A recipe from Jeffrey Morgenthaler, this whisky and apple cocktail with spiced notes tastes like Thanksgiving in a glass. 13⁄4 oz/50 ml scotch whisky 11⁄2 oz/45 ml fresh apple cider 1⁄2 oz/15 ml Averna amaro 1⁄4 oz/7.5…
Category: ramblings
What do I like about horror?
I’ve been doing a sort of movie scavenger hunt the past month called HoopTober, which has several “quick easy” rules; different categories and directors and such that you have to find horror films to fit into. The event is named after Tobe Hooper, probably most well known as director of The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, but…
Meta Morning Habits of Successful People
Since I was recently diagnosed with ADHD, my shrink suggested that I go to bed earlier, get up earlier, and have a regular morning routine. He recommended a few things, like meditating and eating a good breakfast with plenty of protein, but I thought I’d dig a little deeper, and see what the “top ten”-style…
Back to the Future Cars
Found these photos, I think they’re from the Washington (DC) Car Show in 1990 or so. They had a couple of the “future” cars from Back to the Future: Part II, and I stood in line for half an hour to sit in the Delorean. Fun times!
Learning to Discard
Funny how once you become focused on a thing, you start to notice occurrences of it everywhere. This week, a bit of serendipity came in the form of this letter from Nick Disabato, talking about how he’s been learning to discard things, and being more intentional about the things he chooses to be part of…
I had a conversation with my friend AAl on Twitter, regarding 2,051 emails in my inbox: It’s a stream from which I pluck the occasional tasty salmon. It’s not all Things I Have to Deal With. So… it’s like The Den. Filled mostly with stuff you don’t need, but maybe one thing might be useful?…
It always pays.
I realize this is a very Southern Maryland-centric request, but does anyone out there possibly have an audio or video recording of the ads for the supermarket McKay’s Food Store with their crazy earworm of a jingle? Extra bonus points if you come up with the late-80s/early-90s TV ad with jingle that consists entirely of…