At the end of July, my family and I are moving to Seattle. Just looking at stats about where we will be, and how walkable it is, I’m very much looking forward to the change. Where we are now has a Walk Score of 15 out of 100 (almost all errands require a car), but…
Carrying Silva’s Bowl
I was digitizing some old VHS tapes, and came across this. I’m guessing I’m about three years old, and I’m bringing a bowl of water to my grandparents’ dog, Silva. Shot on 8mm film by my Grandpa (Lawrence C. Swenson). It’s not much, but as far as I know, it the only moving image of…
Fingers, Virtual and Otherwise
Recently, a few developers were having a discussion on ADN about a promo video for a new iPad app. Uli Kusterer raised the point that the video was missing something: fingers. It was hard for him to tell what was a tap, and what was something that was merely happening as normal in the app….
How to Get a Rocketfish USB3 Card Working in a Mac Pro
I tried, for the better part of the afternoon, to install a Rocketfish USB 3.0 PCI Express Card RF-P2USB3 in my Mac Pro (“Early 2008” MacPro3,1 running 10.8.3), and it looks like I’ve finally succeeded. I’m trying to do this because, for whatever reason, the USB3 cards that are available for the Mac are easily…
Video and You
Several people have encouraged me recently, since I have feet in both the video production and Mac & iOS development camps, to blog about video production for developers. On September 26, 2009, I gave a Blitz Talk at the C4[3] developer conference entitled Video and You, intended to give developers some quick guidelines and tips…
Apple Macintosh 20th Anniversary Posters
I’m not sure exactly how I came into having these poster images, but reading on DigiBarn, it looks like they may have been designed by Marcin Wichary (perhaps this gentleman?) to commemorate the 20th Anniversary of the Macintosh. You can download the entire set of 14 posters as PDFs, suitable for printing up poster-sized.
New Digs
If you’re seeing this, it means you’re seeing my new, migrated site. I realized that I wasn’t really using any of the extra features that Squarespace was affording me, and while they have given me great service (and I love their stats package), it was time to minimize my outlay to my various service providers….