These are the “show notes” from my half of the Master Video talk at Renaissance 2014, on January 21, 2014 at 10:30 am. Slides, AV Script Format, and Videos My Slide Deck — not sure how helpful this is without the talk, but there it is. AV Format Markdown CSS (on GitHub) to use in…
2014 SF Tiki Crawl
This coming Tuesday, 2014-01-28, is the Bobtiki Crawl! If you’re native to San Francisco, or just in town for Renaissance 2014 (like I am), I’d love to have you along. The generous and lovely Jen Tiki (part of the Tiki Oasis crew) will be leading us on a journey from the Tonga Room to Trader…
Vertical Horizon
Ever since the iPhone first started shooting video, people have decried the use of the vertical orientation. Why would you do that? It looks so horrible! It’s unnatural! Hang on a moment while I pass judgement on you. Stop it. Let’s take a look at the history of film aspect ratios for a moment. Sure,…
FeedPress Subscribers for Panic Status Board
Since the launch of my new podcast, I’ve been trying to keep track of stats on podcast downloads and subscribers. FeedPress has been my feed tracker of choice recently, and seems to work very smoothly (even if they only update stats once a day). I’m also a big fan of Panic’s Status Board iPad app…
The Optical
I find it hard to believe than anyone who follows me here doesn’t also follow me on Twitter or Facebook or somesuch, so you’ve probably already heard way too much about this, but just in case… I’ve been blogging at a Tumblr site called The Optical for the last three months or so, posting cool…
Get BBEdit HTML preview to print background colors
I realize this is probably something that only I want, but just in case, here it is for Google (and for future me, who has forgotten how to do it). Run this in the Terminal: defaults write com.barebones.bbedit WebKitShouldPrintBackgroundsPreferenceKey -bool YES Thanks to my pal Jim Correia for figuring that out! He asked me to…
Usually, I’m the only one in my house who likes to have coffee every morning. My wife says she enjoys coffee, but she actually prefers weak “coffee-flavored tea” (as she calls it) with copious amounts of cream and sugar, and more often than not, prefers instant coffee or Roma to real, brewed coffee. I prefered…