I’ve got it� It’s a time machine. Yes, for our special Apple Hype Watch� segment, we have decoded Apple’s clues to bring you Monday’s mystery product a full two days early! A time machine is big, time is related to counting (no, not the awful puns in the Count of Monte Christo trailer), it’s beyond…
I’ve just been corrected: This is actually Day 6 of Apple Hype Watch�. Seems I missed one day of hype, and foolishly assumed that it all started on January 1st, even though I saw it with my own eyes on December 31st. Shame on me. In any case, the real list is as follows: Day…
Day 5 of Apple Hype Watch: “Full speed ahead. Lust factor ten.” Okay, so yeah, beyond Sexbots.
Day 4 of Apple Hype Watch: “To go where no PC has gone before.” Starting to look like either wearable or snortable will be right. Okay, or maybe just portable. Or maybe Apple has beat Microsoft to the punch at bringing out a notepad/clipboard style Mac with an LCD screen you write on� or something….
I feel a sudden urge to run to the nearest Apple Store, buy an iPod, and take tomorrow off. Must� resist� reality distortion field�
I wish it would snow already. Gloomy skies and butt-freezing temperatures just aren’t charming and magical without the snow.
New Apple hype: “It’s like a backstage pass to the future.” Who thinks this stuff up?