New prices, 15″ LCD, 700 MHz 128 MB RAM, 40GB HD, CD-RW $1299 add 256 MB RAM and a Combo drive (DVD/CD-RW), $1499 add 800 MHz, 60 GB HD and a Superdrive (DVD-RW/CD-RW), $1799
Design? Total redesign. Looks a bit like an overgrown AirPort Base Station� a white half-spherical base 10.5″ in diameter, and about 6″ tall with a stalk coming out of the top, and the LCD attached to the stalk. It’s a very clever design, if not totally my style. Maybe it’ll grow on me.
Goodbye to the iMac, hello to a completely redesigned one. Woo! Yes, 15″ LCD screen. Yes, G4 (700 and 800 MHz). Yes, SuperDrive. DVD-R are now only $5 apiece. GeForce2 MX 5 USB 2 FW Ethernet Modem, etc., etc.
Now doing a recap of all the ol’ Jeff Goldblum iMac ads. I suppose to whip the crowd up into a drooling frenzy. Mmm… Jeff Goldblum…
Now, the iMac…
iBooks: They’re lowering prices, and dropping the DVD-only model. Introducing the 14″ iBook. 600 MHz 200 MB ram. Same thickness at the smaller iBook. $1799.
iPhoto: Import —> Edit —> Print. When you plug in your camera, iPhoto launches auto-magically. Allows you to do a contact sheet, crop, and print simply, using colorsync for dynamic prints without worry. Very cool. Realised they needed to do more. Now also helps you save them, organize them, and share them. Steve does a…