The world of digital video is evolving at an alarming rate. This week, at the National Association of Broadcasters convention in Las Vegas, Nevada, hundreds of companies gathered to show off their latest hardware and software. The message most heard at the convention is to move to digital production now.
The end of the world is nigh!
The end of the world is coming, whether you like it or not. So say a multitude of people, all with a different reason and time. Of course, the most prevalent is the growing segment of the population who, in the words of my friend AAlgar, “will be on their roofs with canned food and…
Building the Future
When I was a young boy, my mother was nearly certain that I would grow up to be an architect. She says that my prowess in making balanced structures with my wooden blocks was an amazing thing, and that she knew I had an eye for design. Well, she may have been right about the…
Perfectional Motion
My name is Mark, and I’m a perfectionist. It’s not that striving for perfection isn’t a good thing, but that my perfectionism often gets in the way of actually getting something done. This really hit home recently in a few discussions I had with my friend, AAlgar. AAl and I are working on producing a…
Musical Musings
I love music. I almost constantly have an album or one of my mixed tapes playing in the background whether I’m at home, at work, or even (until my Walkman™ decided to die recently) on the bus or train as I commute. I have a very wide range of tastes (or at least I think…
The Star Wars Phenomenon
It constantly amazes me how movies permeate our society. We take quotes from films (and television) and use them almost without thinking in our daily lives. Motion pictures also have the astounding ability to affect the way a large amount of people think and feel. Oliver Stone’s JFK, I’m sure, spawned a whole new generation…
High School Nostalgia
A lot of things have been on my mind lately — finances, getting a new “day job,” big projects at work, a new baby on its way and a whole slew of other concerns. I’ve been handling it pretty well, I think, but sometimes I miss the “carefree” days of high school and college. As…