I’m almost loathe to write anything up about Final Cut Pro X at this point. There’s been so much wailing and gnashing of teeth (and joking) about it, plus a couple of over overly rosy reviews, but I figure one more voice from a more centrist position can’t hurt. However, note that I’ve only played…
Broken Mac Pro Latch
I just bought a used Mac Pro yesterday, and the latch that releases the side panel opened just great when I was looking it over. However, this morning, when I gave it a go to pop in a video card, instead of the satisfying thunk of the latch’s usual opening, I heard scrunch, and the…
Super 8
The missus and I got to see Super 8 on Thursday morning at a sparsely-attended “secret sneak preview” that they had promoted only through Twitter. It’s the first time I think I’ve seen a 4K projection locally, and let me tell you — the entire thing was amazingly clean and detailed. But not in a…
What would you do with 100 Drobos?
Drobo is running a contest to give away a number of Drobos, asking the question, “What would you do with 100 Drobos?” I think the answer is not an easy one. Sure, anyone can say “I’d take all 100 and give them to charity!” or, “I’d store every movie ever!” These are good first thoughts,…
When Organizing Isn’t Enough: SHED Your Stuff; Change Your Life
When Organizing Isn’t Enough: SHED Your Stuff; Change Your Life by Julie Morgenstern My rating: 2 of 5 stars Listened to the Audiobook. Ridiculous amounts of “stories” from four fictional archetypes going through different life changes bludgeon you over the head with the same points over and over, and there’s really nothing new here. Envision…
The Den
I am listening to the audiobook of When Organizing Isn’t Enough: SHED Your Stuff, Change Your Life. It’s a lot of obvious fluff, but it included this (probably apocryphal) gem: A well-known Zen parable tells of a wanderer on a lonely road who happened upon a fierce stream that had washed out the bridge to…
AE CS5 Optimum Memory Settings & Performance
After I upgraded to After Effects CS5 recently, I found that my rendering was a lot more sluggish than it used to be. Thankfully, I found this FAQ item on Adobe’s forums, and following the suggestions there — especially those about recommended memory-per-core settings — really got me back on track. For the record, I’m…