MacKiDo – Where is Stac?
The company that gave us Stacker is all but gone. How did that happen? (MacKiDo c.1997)
The company that gave us Stacker is all but gone. How did that happen? (MacKiDo c.1997)
Being on sort of a Douglas Adams kick lately (the h2g2 movie teaser just came out, and we listened to the first six episodes of the h2g2 radio drama on our trip this weekend) and browsing through some crap I had laying about that I’m determined to look at one last time before I throw …
For the first time, two weeks ago, I received a book from Amazon that was defective. The last few pages were bound into the book crooked, and lower then they should have been, resulting in the tops of the pages still retaining the fold from the press, and since they weren’t trimmed, they were still …
A question for the LazyWeb: This is probably something pretty stupid, and likely stems from the fact that I’m not yet that experienced in Unix administration, but… For whatever reason, when I get an email from my WordPress blog install to approve (or more likely disapprove and delete) a new comment that might be spam, …
Reminds me of the Windows switchers ad campaign that Apple used to run, these folks are Republicans… but they’re not about to vote for Bush in November.
Saw this at the AFI theatre the other night, and it was spectacularly awful. There needs to be a word for that— spectaculawful or aw-ful-some or something… but I digress. Also known as “The Seven Brothers Meet Dracula” (and, in fact, the print we viewed had that title on screen), this flick saw the merging …
This is more for me to remember it, as I’m guessing everyone else knows about this already. If you have a web or FTP site that you need to link someone to, but that site requires a user name and password, you can embed that information in the url as such: