When we moved out to Seattle two years ago, we knew that earthquakes might be a thing we’d have to worry about, but it hadn’t really sunk in how real of a danger that might be. A recent New Yorker article got my office buzzing about the possibility of a Really Big One occurring on…
Learning to Discard
Funny how once you become focused on a thing, you start to notice occurrences of it everywhere. This week, a bit of serendipity came in the form of this letter from Nick Disabato, talking about how he’s been learning to discard things, and being more intentional about the things he chooses to be part of…
I had a conversation with my friend AAl on Twitter, regarding 2,051 emails in my inbox: It’s a stream from which I pluck the occasional tasty salmon. It’s not all Things I Have to Deal With. So… it’s like The Den. Filled mostly with stuff you don’t need, but maybe one thing might be useful?…
The Ultimate Guide to Hosting Your Own Data
Hi! Sorry about that click-bait title. What one person can write an ultimate guide to anything, really? All I can do is tell you about my own experience, and some tools I find useful. Have some other ideas to add? Hit me up on Twitter or Facebook, and maybe we can actually build an ultimate…
Faith No More at the Paramount, 2015-04-16
As my birthday gift this year, my good friend AAl took me to see Faith No More — which I think finally makes it all of the bands that I was really into in the 90s that I’ve now seen in person (with the exception of Curve, for whom I am no longer holding out…
Mac Screenshot-O-Rama
Useful Mac recently posted The Screenshot Spectacular, with all of the shortcuts and variations on taking a screenshot on the Mac. Very comprehensive and clear. My favorite is ⌘⇧4 for taking a crosshair-bounded screenshot, and then pressing space to switch it to a cursor that captures whatever window is under the cursor when you click,…
ECCC Artist Alley Table Dimensions
I’ve applied to get a table in Artist Alley at Emerald City Comicon in Seattle next year, for my VFX podcast, The Optical. So, before I helped my good friends at AAlgar Productions pack up their table this year, I took some measurements. Assuming I get the table, I plan to have an overhead display…