I just finished Cowboy Bebop. All of it. :: deep breath :: Watched the movie last night, and it took me a while to get back used to the faster pace of the episodes tonight. The movie, as it tuned out, needed to come before the last three episodes (one standalone, and the 2-parter), not…
Indiana Jones vs. the Death Star
Fun little flash game! http://www.mausland.de/
Hudson Leick
I really enjoyed her as Callisto on on Xena, but honestly— she scares me. But in a good way.
Tweekend Vegas Audio and iTMS
AAl loaned me a copy of The Crystal Method’s albums Tweekend and Vegas, and I’ve been listening to ’em an awful lot over the past few days. It’s good music to listen to while you’re working, not unlike the Blue Man Group album Audio. Now that Apple has released iTunes for Windows, as well as…
Blowers mar the joy of leaves
I find that I often agree with Roger Ebert’s reviews of movies, and again, I agree with him here, in a small essay against the most evil of powered lawn implements: the leaf blower. http://www.suntimes.com/output/eb-feature/cst-edt-ebert14.html As a side note, I have often said that if, at some point, I am to be responsible for a…
Humble pie.
I had a humbling conversation this morning with an editor friend, about how when you’re around people more creative than you, you feel energized, like you’re going to suck some of it up just by being around them; whereas when you spend a great deal of time around people duller than you, you’re made to…
I have never seen so many bad Terminator, Total Recall and bodybuilding puns in all my life, and it’s all because of this: Schwarzenegger Wins Davis Is Ousted as California Governor in Recall Election