Don’t try this at home, kids.
Just making sure the new server works. Don’t mind me.
Classic Mac Games
I’ve got my old Color Classic up and running, soon to be controlling my home automation, but in the meantime, I’m looking for copies of some old games that I used to play on the SE and Mac Classic back in high school, namely: Shufflepuck Stunt Copter Tetris Lunar Lander Glider Missile Command Crystal Caverns…
Well, we had hurricane Isabel come through last night, and we’re none the worse for wear. As I understand it, there’s trees down all over the DC area, and power and traffic lights out… but I haven’t seen it yet. I’m still at home all comfy and warm, with power and DSL. Mmmm… You’ll notice…
Okay, so maybe it doesn’t hold a candle to the Great Northeast Blackout of Ought-Three, but we lost power somewhere around five o’clock last evening during the hurricane force gusts of wind and driving rain, and didn’t get it back until tonight around eight-thirty or so. The weird thing is, we didn’t lose all of…
Talk Like a Pirate Day
September 19th is Talk Like a Pirate Day. Only a month left to practice your patois!
THE NETHERLANDS, +31-630-233-971. BUSINESS PROPOSAL AND INVESTMENT . Dera Partner, You may be surprised to receive this letter from me since you do not know me personally. I certainly am. Who the hell are you? I am Sodingo Malinga,the first son of Malinga Tawanda,the most popular black farmerin Zimbabwe who was murdered in the land…