So, my day-job boss asks me last week if I’m interested in learning more about Apple’s Mac OS X Server, Xserve and XRAID products. I say I am, and he asks if my family would mind me being away for, oh say, 4 or 5 days. A phone call later to my wife (who says…
Category: ramblings
On this episode of Kid’s ER�
Had quite a scare the other night. As soon as I walked in the door from work, Moira slipped on a Lego magazine that one of the kids had left lying around, and somehow cracked her head on a bureau that we have temporarily stationed in the hallway. Now, lest you think Reb and I…
Happy Gnu Year!
2003, eh? so… when are we gonna stop calling it “two thousand-” whatever, instead of “twenty-” whatever? “twenty-ought-three” has a really nice ring to it, if you ask me.
Egg Nog Review
Well, okey, maybe this isn’t technically a “rant,” but it’s not a book, movie or music review either. Maybe I need to need to create a catch-all category just called “reviews.” One more thing to add to the redesign menu. But anyway, without further adoo (adieu?)… Certainly, I’m a little late, but as of the…
Obituary from
September 21, 2062 — SUKKERTOPPEN, Greenland Director and cinematographer Mark “Bob” Boszko was killed today in a boating accident off the west coast of Greenland. Authorities say that he and members of his boating crew, who were shooting a documentary, had been capsized into the water by the wake of a Pan Am jetwaver, which…
Why blog?
Recently AAlgar sent me an email: “Pretty nifty, but I’m forced to wonder: who is this for, exactly? You could tell me (and your other friends) this stuff in an e-mail. Anyone who’s not your friend probably isn’t interested in your job situation or what you think of movies. (They’re not interested in online comics…