I’ve been burgled!
Woke up this morning to find that my car was broken into. Another in a series of omens that I need to move the hell away from here…
Woke up this morning to find that my car was broken into. Another in a series of omens that I need to move the hell away from here…
So, my day-job boss asks me last week if I’m interested in learning more about Apple’s Mac OS X Server, Xserve and XRAID products. I say I am, and he asks if my family would mind me being away for, oh say, 4 or 5 days. A phone call later to my wife (who says …
Had quite a scare the other night. As soon as I walked in the door from work, Moira slipped on a Lego magazine that one of the kids had left lying around, and somehow cracked her head on a bureau that we have temporarily stationed in the hallway. Now, lest you think Reb and I …
2003, eh? so… when are we gonna stop calling it “two thousand-” whatever, instead of “twenty-” whatever? “twenty-ought-three” has a really nice ring to it, if you ask me.
Well, okey, maybe this isn’t technically a “rant,” but it’s not a book, movie or music review either. Maybe I need to need to create a catch-all category just called “reviews.” One more thing to add to the redesign menu. But anyway, without further adoo (adieu?)… Certainly, I’m a little late, but as of the …
September 21, 2062 — SUKKERTOPPEN, Greenland Director and cinematographer Mark “Bob” Boszko was killed today in a boating accident off the west coast of Greenland. Authorities say that he and members of his boating crew, who were shooting a documentary, had been capsized into the water by the wake of a Pan Am jetwaver, which …