In addition to the den cleaning thing, I’m working on moving my sites to my own server at home. SITM is in the pipeline to move soon, so if it goes offline for a few days, I thought you, my two remaining viewers, might like to know that it’s not cause for panic. I also…
Haven’t done much in a while, because— well— I’ve been trying to clean out my den. It’s a bigger chore than you might think. Just ask my friend AAl— he’ll tell you I’ve moved the same crap around with me through six moves in the last ten years, and it’s still not organized.
Earlier this evening, I went out to get a ReplayTV and bring it home. Silly me. If you’ve never heard of it, it’s a lot like a TiVo. Records TV onto a hard drive for later viewing, lets you pause live TV, things like that. In short, very cool stuff. The electronics chain Tweeter is…
Scary Coworkers
Today the office know-it-all/nag/dolt/snitch (yes, this is all one person) was asking me about a monitor which ended up in her work area. It happened to “belong” to me, and I had put it down in that room as temporary storage long before it had become her space. Once she found out it was mine,…
Beekeeper Cartoon Amusements: Comix by Jason Little. The “Bee” comic is amazing. I read straight through all the back pages, right up to what is currently a nailbiting cliffhanger (p.61). Read it! NOW!!
Jesus H. Christ
The Straight Dope: Why do folks say “Jesus H. Christ”? It stands for “Harold.” Really.
DVD Screen Captures
The very cool software VideoLAN was made for streaming MPEG over networks, but it turns out It’s also rather handy for playback of MPEG video from DVDs and VCDs� which is especially handy if you ever wanted to do an easy screen capture from a DVD.