Own a chunk of the moon!
If you find yourself getting photo tickets throught the mail from your local municipality, you might want to try these fine products. Thank me later.
Oh god, yes� Dual Shower Head Massage! Yes, ladies and gentlemen, this is the kind of crap I need to stop bookmarking. Dual shower heads are pretty cool, though.
Ever wonder what the airline does with your freshly found luggage (after they had lost it for months, and already payed you a settlement, of course)? Try the Unclaimed Baggage Center, where they sell all the junk that you lost at ROCK BOTTOM PRICES! Okay, well, it sounded cooler when I started. 😛 Still some…
Okay, so I’m going to start this thing where I try and just make little remarks about cool new websites I find, right here in my Blog� instead of adding to my bookmarks list that I never really use, but is� I’m sure� thousands of links long. Here goes: First up is Wherify Wireless, who…
Time to go to work. More la— uhh… “Seeya when I seeya.” Yeah. Self-reverse-psychology. Good.
You know, going through here, I notice that every time I say “stay tuned,” I don’t post again for like a month-and-a-half. I gotta stop saying that.