I’ve feen fiddling with a newfangled Blogger script. May even encourage me to post more… who knows. Stranger things have happened. Anywho… Now, if I can just figure out how to add links in my text, we’ll be all set. In any case, updates on the events of the last two weeks forthcoming. Stay tuned….
Yesterday, we drove a little over eight hours from our home in lovely, scenic Gaithersburg, Maryland, to Kettering (near Dayton), Ohio. Today, we do it again, in reverse. Gah. The trip up wouldn’t have been quite so bad if I had received some semblance of sleep the night before, or the several nights before that….
Today I got the best birthday card ever – a web-based one with a disco psychedelic dancing monkey on it. I am speechless. I am loved.
So, as it turns out, it’s my birthday today. Yay me! Another year older, but still dumb as a bag of hammers. On Friday (Mar 1st) I bought myself a present from everyone: a shiny new iBook 600/Combo. I have to say that it’s really, really cool to surf the web from the couch. Of…
So to recap: iPhoto, new 14″ iBooks, and new iMacs. Sorta like the iPod– doesn’t look like much at first, but an all-in-one movie studio for under $1800, that’s really quite awesome. Still, no sexbots. Bad Apple!
Well, 2 o’clock, and Apple’s satellite time apparently ran out, in favor of someone broadcasting color bars and jazz from a local radio station. Sure, the jazz is nice, but it’s not the news B-roll (product pictures and interviews) that they were promising before the show.
A little promo video for the iMac and iPhoto. Annie Liebovitz is impressed with iPhoto! Francis Ford Coppola thinks the iMac is a great tool for creating film. I would have to agree. With the G4 and the SuperDrive, that’s pretty awesome. Just gotta get some FireWire drives fast enough for video and you’re set….