Well, after taking on the phone alternately with GEICO and the Gaithersburg City Police for the last hour, an officer called me and said he would be coming out to take prints from the car and that they had recovered at least come of my property in an arrest made last night. So, having put…
I’ve been burgled!
Woke up this morning to find that my car was broken into. Another in a series of omens that I need to move the hell away from here…
San Jose, Day One
So, my day-job boss asks me last week if I’m interested in learning more about Apple’s Mac OS X Server, Xserve and XRAID products. I say I am, and he asks if my family would mind me being away for, oh say, 4 or 5 days. A phone call later to my wife (who says…
Seriously, seriously thinking about selling my desktop G4 and my iBook, and getting on of them new 17-inch PowerBooks… Mmmmm…
On this episode of Kid’s ER�
Had quite a scare the other night. As soon as I walked in the door from work, Moira slipped on a Lego magazine that one of the kids had left lying around, and somehow cracked her head on a bureau that we have temporarily stationed in the hallway. Now, lest you think Reb and I…
Happy Gnu Year!
2003, eh? so… when are we gonna stop calling it “two thousand-” whatever, instead of “twenty-” whatever? “twenty-ought-three” has a really nice ring to it, if you ask me.