I first saw this film in the theatre, but I wanted to revisit it recently because of my growing interest in Buddhism. Jesse is a young boy in Seattle, the son of Bridget Fonda and Chris Isaak, and is thought to be the possible reincarnation of a Buddhist monk who died several years previous, and…
Why blog?
Recently AAlgar sent me an email: “Pretty nifty, but I’m forced to wonder: who is this for, exactly? You could tell me (and your other friends) this stuff in an e-mail. Anyone who’s not your friend probably isn’t interested in your job situation or what you think of movies. (They’re not interested in online comics…
Seven Years in Tibet
I hate to admit it, but I’m a sucker for films about� well� white men having adventures in faraway lands. That, of course, includes films like the Indiana Jones series, but also movies like Mountains of the Moon and The Ghost and the Darkness. It’s not that I so much like to see white guys…
Femme Fatale
Do yourself a favor. Go watch the trailer, think to yourself, “Wow, that looks like it might be a great film,” and leave it at that. I’ve never been a huge Brian De Palma fan, and I should have remembered that when I went to see this film. I kept thinking that it might be…
Sling Blade
Mmm-hm. Reckon I’d like some o’ dem french fried potaters. Mmm-hm. Yes, yes. So I’m 6 years late to the “imitating that guy from Sling Blade” party. Sosumi. I like the way he talks. 🙂 “That guy” in question is Karl, a somewhat mentally unstable fellow played by Billy Bob Thornton, who also wrote and…
The Last Emperor [Director’s Cut]
I wanted to like this movie. I really wanted to like this movie. As it turns out, though, this is one of those select few films that drag in the beginning and the end, yet are compelling in the middle. I suppose that’s a risk you run when you make a movie based on a…
Station in the Metro is dead. Long live Boszko.com!
That’s right. Stationinthemetro.com is up for renewal on December 24th, and I’m letting it die. It has served me well over the past five years or so, but since I’m moving most of my personal stuff here, and my films are at Lookit-Intense� there’s just doesn’t seem to be much need for it. Taking its…