As some of you may know, about a month ago, I lost my job at NIH due to a number of reasons, the main points being: 1.) Financial. The Medical Arts and Photography Branch ended the fiscal year something like $0.5 million in the hole. 2.) Political. I ended up doing a lot of work…
Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner
I have to admit, when the opening credits came on, and the cheesy 60s music started, I thought I would find it hard to take this movie seriously� but with all the humor (intentional and unintentional) it drew me in, and in the end, made me think, which, to me, is what a good film…
Well, I’ve figured out how to make category icons to appear next to my post titles, but I’m still working on making them appear in the category list in the right-hand menu. In any case, I’m having a lot of fun figuring out this database-driven stuff. 😀
Iconfactory ROCKS!
Lucky me, Corey Marion at The Iconfactory replied to my email right away, and I’m okay to use some of the Smoothicons on this site. Wheeeee!
The Iconfactory
I am contacting the fine folks at The Iconfactory about using some of their icons for the blog, to denote segments of the site, such as the forthcoming “What I’m reading/listening to/watching Now” sections. The “Smoothicon” series designed by Corey Marion is gorgeous, even at small sizes, like how it would be used on the…
This is the first post on my new self-hosted blog. Many happy returns!
False Sense of Security
This morning, when I came in to work at NIH (the National Institutes of Health, in Bethesda, MD), everyone was on alert. Well, really, we’ve been on alert since a year ago. Right after the terrorist attacks, NIH went on super-high-ultra-alert, and was performing car and bag searches on everyone, every day. I had to…